Needing no batteries, this tool aims to give pain relief from headache, with no effort.
Acupuncture has been around for hundreds of years. Acupuncture uses pressure points throughout your body to remedy certain problems. One of the most well-known pressure points is the spot between your index finger and thumb. Putting pressure on that spot is believed to make headaches and migraines feel less intense or disappear altogether. But let’s face it, when you’re plagued with migraines, you can’t exactly put both of your hands out of commission, even if it is to try and remedy the issue.
Aculief Is a wearable acupressure tool that puts pressure on that exact spot (between your thumb and index finger also known as the LI4) in order to lessen or altogether eliminate headaches and/or migraines. While you may be skeptical about using a little piece of plastic to help with headache relief, we ask you this—what do you have to lose? It’s a medication-free option to make your day go by a little bit easier and you’ll barely feel the lightweight gadget on your hand. This is especially useful for active people who are constantly on the go and need a worry-free way to keep their pain in check.